Entrepreneurship for Healthcare

Whether a hospital or clinic, a medical device company, or a restaurant establishing a business is not a one-time plan. The market is dynamic, and many factors have an impact such as competition, customer needs/demand, policies, regulations, technologies, and those factors challenge businesses every day. Some of these challenges can be expected. For instance, a hospital can foresee the building of a new, high-tech clinic across the street.

A medical device company might see its business threatened by a new technology. Or, a more recent example is the complete shut down of cities and countries globally, to avoid the propagation of a life-threatening virus. So how do businesses stay in the game despite all of these challenges?  It’s possible to hire an external consulting company, but who knows your business better than you?

The MBRU Design Lab gives webinar as well as training to help hospitals, clinics and health professional. Click here to read about lasts event.

Also find below the video recording: