Consolidation of Prosthodontic Training

18 September 2018

This is mainly a revision course with a summative MPros RCS Edinburgh style exam and will prepare residents for the Membership in Prosthodontics specialty examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. A series of tutorials aimed at consolidating knowledge and understanding in a wide range of subjects in prosthodontics and restorative dentistry in general. Emphasis is placed on inter-disciplinary relationships. The course also aims to direct residents toward sitting the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh specialty membership examination. The standard, content, structure and format of the exam will all be discussed with an explanation of the minimally competent candidate. The aims of the examination are to test the range of knowledge of Prosthodontics at a level expected of a specialist and to test the attainment of competence in the planning and execution of Prosthodontic dentistry requisite for specialist practice.