Head and Neck: Structure and Function

17 September 2018

This course provides students with functional knowledge of the structure of Head and Neck region that will enable further understanding of organ-system courses in Phase 2. The course will also introduce the concept of “living anatomy of the Head and Neck” as visualized on conventional medical imaging and on the living human body.

At the end of the course, students will be able to describe the major features of the skull, the main structures present in the neck, face, temporal and infratemporal regions. They will identify the main anatomical features of the face, nose, oral cavity and tongue, pharynx, soft palate, and larynx. They should explain the basis of cranial nerve testing. They should explain the anatomical basis of upper airway obstruction, cervical swellings, facial nerve palsy, epistaxis, and dysphagia. In addition, students will be able to develop an attitude of teamwork and self-directed learning through their engagement with the teaching methodology in the course.